What is the best way to get from Lima to Huaraz?
By far the most common way to travel between Lima and Huaraz is to take a long, twisting bus journey through desert and mountains which takes about 8 hours depending on the service. There are many bus companies offering daily services. However it is highly recomended to pay a bit more and going with a more professional company such as Cruz del Sur or Movil Tours. The alternative is to fly. There is one airline operating the route between Lima and Huaraz. LC Busre is a quite reliable and professional company.There is one flight per day, and the flight time is about 70 minutes.
When is the best time to come to Huaraz - Cordillera Blanca & Huayhuash?
The high season is between June and August with July being the busiest month. It is the dry season in the highlands of Peru (Huaraz - Cordillera Blanca & Huayuash). During the dry season in the mountains of the Cordillera Blanca and Huayhuash the nights can be very cold, often falling to freezing in May and September. Average temperatures from menus 5C to 18C.
June, July & August
This is the dry season with little chance of rain. During the day you can expect blue skies pretty much of the time. Since we are close to the equator and very high up, the sun can be very strong so always bring sun protection cream, a hat and sunglasses. It is comfortable to trek in shorts and t-shirt. However when the sun goes in it can get cold very quickly so always have a warm jacket, fleece and long pants close at hand. you also need a good 4-season sleeping bag at night and a warm jacket, woolly hat and scarf.
September & October
September & October
Some years the rains can start as early as September. However usually we just get a couple of heavy showers each week and the rest of the time it is sunny or overcast. The rain just lasts for a couple of hours and dries up pretty quick. Good gear for rain is recommended.
November, December, January, February, March and April
The wet season usually starts around mid-November and can last until the end of March. January and February are at the height of the wet season. During these months you can expect rain at any time. Bring good waterproof clothing, pack your sleeping bag within several plastic bags, bring sun protection cream and a good hat. In fact prepare for just about all four seasons in one day!! Huaraz is generally very quiete during these months.